Abstract List

Korea's Computer Strategy

Technological Evolution of the Semiconductor Industry

Leapfrogging in Switching System

Information Industries in the Newly Industrializing Countries

Performance and Potential of Informational Technology: An International Perspective

Prices, Costs, and Competition at the Technology Frontier: A Model for Semiconductor Memories

Towards a Vanishing Middle: Competition in the World Garment Industry

International Trends in Steel Mini-Mills: Keeping Pace with Technological Change

Keeping Pace with Change: Organizational and Technological Imperatives

Impact of Manufacturing Practices on the Global Bicycle Industry

Keeping Pace with Change: International Competition in the Printed Circuit Board Industry

Advanced Infrastructure for Time Management: The Competitive Edge in East Asia

Innovation and International Diffusion of Environmentally Responsive Technologies

Firm Strategies for Costly Engineering Learning

Institutions and Dynamic Comparative Advantage: The electronics industry in Korea and Taiwan

New Environment for Intellectual Property

The Demographic Dividend: Evidence from the Indian States

Sources of Corporate Profits in India: Business Dynamism or Advantages of Entrenchment?

The Second Transition: Eastern Europe in Perspective

"Speed of IMF Response," an earlier version appeared as "From Crisis to IMF-Supported Program: Does democracy impede the speed required by financial markets?"

Buyer-Seller Links in Export Development

Staying in the Loop: International Alliances for Sharing Technology

Learning Through Alliances

Making Institutional Choices

Environmental Regulation and Development A Cross-Country Empirical Analysis

Industrial policy after the East Asian crisis: from outward orientation to new internal capabilities?

International Investment Location Decisions: The Case of U.S. firms

Japanese and United States Firms as Foreign Investors: Do They March to the Same Tune?

Japanese Multinationals in Asia: Drivers and Attractors

The Usefulness of Private and Public Information for Foreign Investment Decisions

Is there persistence in the export of manufactured goods? Evidence from Newly Industrializing Countries

Imported Machinery for Export Competitiveness

Growth in an Inefficient Economy: A Chinese Case Study

Explaining Industrial Growth in Coastal China: Economic Reforms ... and What Else?

Innovation in Cities: Evidence from Chinese Firms

Informal Meetings for Knowledge Acquisition and Increased Productivity

Exploiting Competitive Opportunities in Telecommunications

Exploiting New Market Opportunities in Telecommunications

Breaking the Impediments to Budgetary Reforms: Evidence from Europe

Spillovers of Domestic Shocks: Will They Counteract the "Great Moderation"?

The Dynamics of Product Quality and International Competitiveness

Infrastructure Delivery: Private Initiative and the Public Good

Building on East Asia's Infrastructure Foundations

Infrastructure Strategies in East Asia: The Untold Story

Choices for Efficient Private Participation in East Asian Infrastructure

Private Capital in Water and Sanitation

Competition, contracts, and regulation in water and sanitation

West Bank and Gaza: Infrastructure, Institutions, and Growth

Methods of Loan Guarantee Valuation and Accounting

A house of cards: government guarantees

Contingent Liabilities for Infrastructure Projects: Implementing a Risk Management Framework for Governments

Risk Management Systems for Contingent Infrastructure Liabilities: Applications to Improve Contract Design and Monitoring

The Management of Contingent Liabilities: A Risk Management Framework for National Governments

Financing Water and Sanitation Projects: The Unique Risks

Pooling Water Projects To Move Beyond Project Finance

Tapping the Private Sector: Approaches to Managing Risk in Water and Sanitation

What Explains Spreads on Emerging Market Debt?

Interest Rate in the North and Capital Flows to the South: Is There a Missing Link?

International Pricing of Emerging Market Corporate Debt: Does the Corporate Matter?

After the Crisis: Lower Consumption Growth but Narrower Global Imbalances?

From Bear Stearns to Anglo Irish: How Eurozone Sovereign Spreads Related to Financial Sector Vulnerability

Can Domestic Policies Influence Inflation?